Communication Disorders B.S.
- 120 Credits
- School of Health and Natural Sciences
- Westchester

Communication Disorders Overview
Begin your journey toward becoming a speech-language pathologist with Mercy University’s Bachelor of Science in Communication Disorders. This program provides students with an educational foundation comprised of a scientific and clinically based curriculum. After completing the bachelor’s degree, students can apply directly to Mercy’s Master of Science in Communication Disorders and earn the graduate degree required to practice speech-language pathology.
Gain academic and real-world experience while working with pediatric and adult populations in Mercy's on-campus Speech and Hearing Center.

Career Opportunities
Careers in Communication Disorders include: speech-language pathologist, audiologist, speech and hearing scientist, language scientist and NYS Education Department Teacher of Students with Speech-Language Disabilities (TSSLD). (Note: This certification requires a master's degree in CD and additional academic and clinical experience, workshop attendance in education, and completion of a student teaching experience, prior to application to the New York State Education Department.)
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The Mercy Advantage
- State-of-the-art simulation labs
- Premier B.S. Program in metropolitan area
- Participate in medical missions
- On-campus NSSLHA Chapter
Watch this video to discover more about the Communications Disorder program at Mercy.

Mercy University Speech & Hearing Center
The Speech and Hearing Center has served the community for more than 30 years with comprehensive diagnostic evaluations and therapy for preschoolers, school-aged children, adolescents, and adults.
The Master of Science (MS) program in Communication Disorders at Mercy University is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, 2200 Research Boulevard, #310, Rockville, MD 20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700.

Student Research
Emily Lokenauth, an undergraduate Communication Disorders student, presented her at the CUNY Graduate Center Communication Disorders Student Research Day and received an award for her excellent presentation. Emily is a McNair Scholar and will be attending Mercy’s graduate Communication Disorders Program next year.
Program Accreditation
The Master of Science (MS) in Communication Disorders education program at Mercy University is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2200 Research Boulevard, #310, Rockville, MD 20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700.
Contact the Communication Disorders Program
Dr. Ashley O'Rourke
Program Director, Communication Disorders
Denise Dicristofaro
Undergraduate and Graduate Admissions Coordinator
(914) 674-7739
Barbara Rosenfeld
Administrative Assistant, Communication Disorders
(914) 674-7340
Patti Rosenfeld
Clinic Administrative Assistant, Communication Disorders
(914) 674-7742
Frequently Asked Questions
Students will learn about diagnostic testing and treatment techniques in a variety of pediatric and adult communication disorders through both observations and classwork. Some undergraduate students are selected to provide speech and language therapy in the Mercy University Speech and Hearing Center.
Full-time students can complete the 120-credit degree program in four years.
Schools, hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, rehabilitation centers, private practice, health care agencies, and college/university settings. Our students have a 100% success rate in finding employment upon graduation. A free brochure entitled Careers in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology containing additional information about the profession is available from ASHA.
The Master's Degree in Communication Disorders program adheres to the Mercy University Non-Discrimination policy. The policy of Mercy University, both historically and currently, is that discrimination against any individual for reasons of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, or handicap and status as a parent is specifically prohibited. Accordingly, equal access to educational programs, employment opportunities, and all other university activities is extended to all persons, and the University promotes equal opportunity. Information concerning non-discrimination policies, including complaint procedures, may be obtained from the following individuals. • For Students: Deputy Director of PACT. • For Faculty, Administration, and Staff: Director of Human Resources. • For Accessibility Services: Director of ACCESSibility
Generally, a graduate degree in speech-language pathology, audiology, communication disorders, communication science and disorders or speech and hearing sciences. The degree includes academic coursework and clinical practicum, and culminates in eligibility for certification by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Most states, including New York, require licensure.
Yes, students meet with the Undergraduate Coordinator, Professor DiCristofaro,(ddicristofaro@mercy.edu or 914-674-7739) to determine eligibility for majoring in the Communication Disorders (CD) program. Once accepted into the major, students meet with an CD academic advisor from the department each semester who will answer questions about what courses to take and in which sequence.
Professor DiCristofaro, Coordinator of Undergraduate and Graduate Admissions, at 914-674-7739 or ddicristofaro@mercy.edu.
Program Details & Curriculum
General Education Requirements: 60 Credits
Major Concentration: Communication Disorders: 48 Credits
Open Electives: 12 Credits
Total: 120 Credits
The Undergraduate Program offers a B.S. degree in Communication Disorders (CD). This degree is comparable to an undergraduate degree in speech language pathology/ audiology. Upon completion of the degree, graduates demonstrate proficiency in speech-language pathology, speech and hearing science and audiology in preparation for graduate study. The major goal of the program is to provide a scientific/clinically based curriculum as preparation for graduate studies. A master's degree is mandatory as entry level into the profession of speech-language pathology (SLP).* As of 2007, the entry level for Audiology is the doctorate degree. In addition to the professions noted above, the CD undergraduate degree is also useful for students continuing their graduate studies in education, special education, and teachers of the deaf and hearing impaired, psychology, social work, and recreational therapy.
Students who major in Communication Disorders at Mercy University are automatically accepted into the Mercy University graduate program if their overall GPA is 3.0 and their prerequisite GPA is 3.0. The six prerequisite courses include “Normal Speech & Language Development”, “Introduction to Communication Disorders”, Introduction to Audiology”, “Phonetics”, “Anatomy & Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanisms” and “Speech & Hearing Science”. A master's degree is mandatory for entry level into the profession of speech-language pathology.
The CD program’s mission is to combine a solid liberal arts and sciences foundation with an introduction to CD theory and clinical experience. We welcome students from all fields of study, from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
Through "learning by doing” and with a faculty comprised of speech-language pathologists and audiologists, the program prepares you for graduate study in CD, education, special education, teaching the deaf and hearing impaired, psychology, and social work.
Students planning to major in Communication Disorders must demonstrate the following: completion of at least 30 credits of the General Education curriculum with a GPA of at least 2.75. Students must complete six credits of a foreign language (six credits can be in American Sign Language), BIOL 110 Introduction to Human Biology and one of the following courses (PHYS 110, CHEM 110) as part of their General Education requirements. In addition, students must complete BHSC 370, Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences which is typically taken in senior year.
Proficiency in oral and written communication will be assessed during the student’s first semester. Basic competencies are continuously assessed throughout the student’s tenure as a communication disorders major. Competency in both oral and written communication is required in order to obtain a degree in communication disorders. Students who require additional assistance in oral and written communication skills will be directed to the appropriate sources including courses, the Center for Academic Excellence and Innovation or the Speech and Hearing Center.
Students planning to enter the major must contact the Mercy University Communication Disorders Undergraduate Coordinator, Professor DiCristofaro at ddicristofaro@mercy.edu, for an eligibility interview. All students are assigned to a faculty advisor in Communication Disorders and are required to see the advisor each semester. To maintain satisfactory academic standing as a major, students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.75 in the major. A student who receives a grade below C in any major course will be required to repeat the course. Students may repeat a major course once. Any exceptions to Department guidelines require approval by the department director.
All students who are accepted in the program must present proof of a current physical examination (within the past year), MMR, PPD, Hepatitis B, and Meningitis immunization. Proof of immunization is to be given prior to enrollment in CMDS 498.
Download a copy of the sequence map for:
Full-Time Faculty
Oren Abramowitz
- MH G14D
- oabramowitz@mercy.edu
- (914) 674-7440
Dawn C Cotter-Jenkins
- Main Hall, G16B
- dcotterjenkins@mercy.edu
- (914) 674-7505
Denise A Dicristofaro
Ashley Marie O'Rourke
- MH G16A
- aorourke@mercy.edu
- (914) 674-7505
Part-Time Faculty
Taryn R. Malcolm
- G14D
- Main Hall
- tmalcolm4@mercy.edu
- (914) 674-7421