Transfer Application

Mercy Transfer Application
Congratulations on your decision to transfer to Mercy University! Once you have submitted your online application, you will be able to access your Mercy University applicant portal to track the status of your application. You can review the list of required documents needed to complete your application and track documents that have been received. Some of these items may be uploaded through the applicant portal.

Apply Using the Common App
Did you know? We are a Common App member institution. Transfer students can apply to Mercy University using the Common Application.
Printed Applications
Transfer students should use the linked Undergraduate Application
Accelerated Second Degree Nursing students and students transferring previously earned credits to Mercy should use the above application.
Mail your application to:
Student Services Support Center

How Many of My Transfer Credits Will Mercy Accept?
Mercy University will accept up to 75 credits from a two-year school or up to 90 credits from a four year school.