Amber A Saracino
- Assistant Professor, Psychology

- School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
- MAH-101
Dr. Saracino is an Assistant Professor in the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, graduate program of School Psychology. She has been a practicing School Psychologist for the past 13 years and is passionate about providing mental health support to children, adolescents, and families. Before coming to Mercy University Dr. Saracino was an adjunct professor at Western Connecticut State University where she began her teaching experience in 2017. Dr. Saracino has an advanced certificate as a NYS-school district leader and has worked as an Assistant Director of Special Education for 4 years. Dr. Saracino continues to work in the public-school setting on a part-time basis, in both an administrative and mental health capacity. Dr. Saracino is currently finishing up an advanced certificate in Mental Health Counseling this spring to further provide counseling services to children and families.
In her free time Dr. Saracino enjoys time with her precious family, making sourdough bread, and spending time outdoors.
Ed.D. Doctor of Education, Organizational Leadership, Emphasis Behavioral Health, Grand Canyon University
M.A. School Psychology, Marist College
B.A. Psychology, Mount Saint Mary College
Advanced Certificate Mental Health Counseling, Manhattan College
Advanced Certificate NYS District Leader, Manhattan College
Currently working with Dr. Fisher, Childhood Trauma and Cognitive, Social, Behavioral and Academic Functioning among Mercy University Freshman.
School Psychology graduate courses:
SCPY 641 - Neurological Factors in Behaviors
SCPY 654 - Behavioral Management Applications Children with Special Needs
SCPY 705 - Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities
Assessment of Social Emotional and Behavioral Development
Intellectual Evaluation using Wechsler Scales of Intelligence
Undergraduate courses:
PSYN 233 - Developmental Psychology Across Lifespan
Saracino, Amber (2020). The Relationship Between Resilience Levels and Personality Traits Among K-12 Educators. (Publication No. 28157633) [Doctoral dissertation, Grand Canyon University]. ProQuest Dissertation Abstracts International.
Saracino, A & Cunzio, R (2019). Disconnect & Connect: 10 Practical Steps for Educators & Parents to Get Kids to Buy into Logging Out, Schoolhouse publishers, January 2020
Saracino, A., Eschbacher K., Weston-Kurten, D (2011). Solution-focused workbooks for all school ages. Schoolhouse publishers, May, 2012.
Innovation in Research and Teaching, Scholarly Engagement Grant
Ted Bernstein Award Academic Excellence