Illya D Lichtenberg

  • Professor, Criminal Justice
  • Chair, Social Sciences
Illya Lichtenberg headshot

Illya Lichtenberg has been in teaching in higher education for 32-years and has been at Mercy University for the last 15-years. He is a professor in the Criminal Justice program and serves as Chair of the Social Science Department. He has previously served in the faculty senate, tenure and promotion committee, and served as the faculty liaison to the Middle States Commission on higher education in the university’s most recent reaccreditation. In addition to teaching and research, he practices law in New Jersey.

PhD: Rutgers University

JD: Rutgers University

MA: Rutgers University

B.S.: Rutgers University

Admitted to practice law in New Jersey

CRJU 503 Applied Criminology

CRJU 301 Constitutional Law and Criminal Justice

CRJU 236 Criminal Courts

CRJU 234 Criminal Law

CRJU 212 Criminology

CRJU 399 Internship in Criminal Justice

CRJU 102 Introduction to Criminal Justice

CRJU 396 Research Methods in Criminal Justice

CRJU 401 Senior Seminar

Hyoungah Park, Jeong Lim Kim. Illya Lichtenberg, & Tae Jin Chung (2024) “North Korean Migrants in China: A Case Study of Human Smuggling and Trafficking.” Asian Journal of Criminology Vol. 19(3): 307-328.

Illya Lichtenberg (2019) “A Comparative Analysis of Male and Female Police Officers Feloniously Killed.” Police Practice and Research: An International Journal Vol. 20(4): 394-404.

Illya Lichtenberg (2017) “Police Officer Shootings – A Tactical Evaluation”: A Replication of the 1963 Study. Willamette Law Review Vol. 79: 79-87.

Illya Lichtenberg (2014) How Dangerous are the Execution of Warrants in a Suspect’s Home?: Does an Empirical Justification Exist for the Protective Sweep Doctrine? Santa Clara Law Review Vol. 54(3):623-649.