Julie L Pellman

  • Adjunct, Psychology
Julie Pellman

Julie has been teaching at Mercy since 2003 and has a total of 22 years of teaching experience. She earned her Ph.D. in Community Psychology in 1988 and later obtained an M.A. in Conservation Biology from Miami University through the Bronx Zoo Master Institution in 2017. As a Climate Reality Leader, she trained with Al Gore's Climate Reality Project, participating in three trainings: online in 2020, in person in April 2024, and online again in October 2024.

Ph.D. - Community Psychology, University of Missouri -1988
M.A. -  Conservation Biology from Miami University - 2017

PSYN 101 - Introduction to Psychology

PSYN/BHSC/SOCL 244 - Social Psychology

PSYN 233 - Developmental Psychology Across the Lifespan

Pellman, J. (2020, Summer). My Covid-19 Experience. The Community Psychologist, 53(3), 28-29.

Helm S, Harré N, Sasao T, Mihaylov N, Perkins DD, Lee G, Chinen S, & Pellman J. (2020, Spring). Ripples on ecological praxis and the natural world. Islands of the Pacific-Asia region. The Community Psychologist, 53(2), 11-14.

Pellman, J., (2019, Fall) Engaging communities in cultures of sustainability. The Community Psychologist, 52 (4), 23-25.

Pellman, J. (2016). Why service learning? Nucleus. 7(Spring/Summer), 19. https://issuu.com/facultycommons/docs/fc_nucleus_spring_summer_2016_final?e=6814685/32920027

Pellman, J. (1992). Widowhood in elderly women: Exploring its relationship to community integration, hassles, stress, social support, and social support seeking. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 35(4), 253-264, Selected to be included in Hendreicks, J. (Ed.). (1995). The Ties of Later Life, New York: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc

Psi Chi – International Honor Society in Psychology

The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi