Kay M Vitro
- Assistant Professor, Mental Health Counseling

- School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Mahoney Hall, Rm. 210
- kvitro@mercy.edu
- (914) 888-5329
Dr. Kumudu Vitro’s research interest includes grief, complicated grief, and cultural components associated with grief. She is the recipient of the 2023 AADA Outstanding Adultspan Article Award, a national research award received by scholars in counseling.
Dr. Vitro has presented at research conferences at the state and national level. She has also contributed to state and national academic journals as well as a book chapter for an international publication based in Australia. Further, she has been invited to speak at counseling agencies on the importance of multicultural competency and methods to increase counselor awareness. She has served as the Assistant Editor of The Family Journal – the flagship journal of the International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors. Her clinical experience predominately stems from working at a psychiatric correctional facility in Texas, where she provided treatment to inmates of all security levels.
Dr. Vitro’s teaching philosophy is based on empowering approaches and creating a safe and vibrant space for learning. Dr. Vitro believes that her student’s voices are powerful to the learning experience, and firmly stands on the belief that her classes are enriched by the individuals in the room.
PhD: Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, Counselor Education (CACREP Accredited)
- CNSL 650 - Counseling Application I
- CNSL 660 - Group Counseling Theory and Practice
- CNSL 667 - Assessment in Counseling
- CNSL 673 - Research and Evaluation in Counseling
Bradley, L., Mendoza, K., & Witanapatirana, K. (In Press). Spoonful of humor: Humorous
thoughts for counselor educators. In K. Vaidya (Ed.), Teaching counseling with a sense of humor. Creative Academic Press.
Bradley, L., Noble, N., Spinks, D., & Witanapatirana, K. (Submitted). BHEC: The
basics. The Professional Counselor.
Bradley, L., Noble, N., & Witanapatirana, K. (2022). Complicated grief: Counseling
issues and techniques. Adultspan Journal.
Noble, N., Hamrick, J., Lock, R., Lei, X., Witanapatirana, K., & Sosa, S. (In progress).
Career assistance for individuals with autism: Observations and interviews with job coaches and job candidates.
Palmer, D., Noble, N., & Witanapatirana, K. (2021). STOP the threat: A school’s
mission for mental health promotion. Educator Perspectives, 1(1), 15-22.
Palmer, D., & Witanapatirana, K. (2020). Exposing bias through a deficit thinking lens
using content- analysis of macro level policies. Research in Educational Policy and Management, 2(1), 23-39.
2023 AADA Outstanding Adultspan Article Award