Ruth L Hansen
- Professor and Program Director, Physical Therapy

- School of Health and Natural Sciences
- MH 367
- (914) 674-7824
Ruth Lyons Hansen is a Professor and Associate Director of the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program at Mercy University in Dobbs Ferry, NY. She is currently the Director of Clinical Education for the Physical Therapy Program. Ruth is board certified by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties in Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy. She has been a certified trainer for the American Physical Therapy Association’s Clinical Instructor Credentialing Program since 1998. She has over 30 years of clinical experience with the majority of that working with clients with cardiovascular and pulmonary disease. She has published and presented research at state and national conferences in areas relating to cardiovascular disease prevention and clinical education.
PhD, Health Sciences, Seton Hall University,
DPT MGH Institute of Health Professions,
MS in Exercise Physiology, Long Island University
BS in Physical Therapy, Russell Sage College
primary areas of scholarly inquiry are in the areas of clinical education, physical therapy education and cardiovascular and pulmonary health, prevention, and rehabilitation.
Dr. Hansen is the primary instructor for PHTR-619: Medical Differential Diagnosis, PHTR627-Maturity & Physical Therapy Practice I, Advanced Clinical Education I, II and III and teaches cardiovascular and pulmonary content in other courses in the curriculum.
Hansen, RL “Examination and Evaluation of the Cardiovascular/pulmonary System in Neuromuscular Disorders” in Lifespan Neuro-rehabilitation: A Patient-Centered Approach Fell, D., FA Davis, 2018
Silberman, N., LaFay, V., Hansen, RL, Fay, P., Physical Therapy Student Difficulty in Clinical Education Settings: Incidence and Outcomes, Journal of Physical Therapy Education. 32(2):175–182, JUN 2018. DOI: 10.1097/JTE.0000000000000046
Pivko SE, Abbruzzese LD, Duttaroy P, Hansen RL, Ryans K, Effects of physical therapy student clinical experiences on clinician productivity in first-time and final clinical experiences. Journal of Allied Health, 2016; 45(1):33-40
Sliwinski M, Schultz K, Hansen RL, Malta S, Babyar, S, “Clinical Performance Expectations: A Preliminary Study Comparing Physical Therapy Students, Clinical Instructors and Academic Faculty”, Journal of Physical Therapy Education, spring 2004
Campo, M., Hyland, M., Hansen, RL., Experiences of Physical Therapists During the Covid-19 Pandemic, a Phenomenological Study, Poster Presentation, Weill-Cornell, NY-Presbyterian, Columbia University Rehabilitation Research Day, January 29, 2021
Hansen, R. L., Campo, M., Montalbano, A., Zipp, G., Comparison of a Flipped Classroom Exercise Physiology Course to Traditional Lecture-Based Format, Poster Presentation, American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, Denver, CO. February 14, 2020
Silberman, N., LaFay, V., Hansen, RL, Fay, P., Physical therapist student difficulty in clinical education incidence and outcomes, Research platform presentation, presented at: PTA Educational Leadership Conference, Phoenix AZ October 8, 2016
Pivko SE, Abbruzzese LD, Duttaroy P, Hansen RL, Ryans K, Effects of physical therapy student clinical experiences on clinician productivity in first time and final clinical experiences, Poster presentation, Mercy University Faculty Seminar Day, March 10, 2015
Pivko SE, Abbruzzese LD, Duttaroy P, Hansen RL, Ryans K, Effects of physical therapy student clinical experiences on clinician productivity in first-time and final clinical experiences, Research platform presentation, presented at APTA Educational Leadership Conference, Kansas City MO, October 11, 2014
Hansen, RL, Physical Therapist’s Practices in Educating Stroke Survivors on Exercise and Physical Activity Guidelines, Research Platform Presentation Presented at New York State Physical Therapy Association State Conference, October 25, 2013
Hansen, RL., Health practices, health related knowledge, and risk factors to cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes in a diverse population of college students; Presented at Mercy University RIMI Faculty Research presentations, May 3, 2012
Hansen, R. L. & Lichtman, S. W., Health practices, health related knowledge, and risk factors to cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes in a diverse population of college students, Presented at APTA National Conference, Tampa, Florida June 7, 2012
Hansen, R. L & Lichtman, S.W., Physical Therapist’s Practice in the Education of Stroke Survivors on Exercise and Physical Activity Guidelines, Platform Presentation, APTA Combined Sections Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Feb 11, 2011
Hansen, R.L., Cardiovascular Disease: Risk factors, prevention, health disparities and future research needs, Presented to Mercy University Community April 23, 2008
Minority Participation in Cardiac Rehabilitation, Platform Presentation, American association of Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) National Conference, Salt Lake City Oct 17, 2007 – Nominated for New Investigator Award.
Health Practices and Fitness Levels in Minority vs. Caucasian Females, Poster Presentation, American Physical Therapy Association National Conference, Orland, FL, June 13, 2006
Pelvic Floor Muscle Activity in Isolation And With Co-activation of Adjacent Muscles Using Surface Electromyography, Poster Presentation, American physical Therapy Association’s Combined Sections Meeting, Nashville, TN, February 7, 2004