Soonyi Lee
- Associate Professor, History

- School of Liberal Arts
- GMH 205
- (914) 888-5271
Associate Professor of History, Department of Humanities
- Ph. D., Department of History, New York University
- M.A., Department of History, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
- B.A., Department of History, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
Dr. Soonyi Lee's research explores Chinese discourses on nationalism, socialism, and democracy during the twentieth century, examining their connections to contemporary global intellectual trends and the transformations of global capitalism. She has presented her research at various international and national conferences and published articles in both Korean and English in peer-reviewed journals, including Modern China, Twentieth-Century China, and The Journal of Asian Historical Studies.
Dr. Lee teaches Asian history, examining it within local, regional, and global contexts.
- Courses Taught:
- HIST117: Introduction to Asian History
- HIST194: Global History of Addiction
- HIST220: Method in Madness: An Introduction to Historical Research
- HIST243: History of Modern Japan
- HIST244: Modern East Asia: Cultural History
- HIST290: Student Activism in East Asia
HIST295: Gender and Sexuality in East Asia
- HIST320: Historiographical Methods
- HIST333: Asia in Revolutions
- HIST337: World War II in Asia
- HIST339: Modern China, 1839-1949
- HIST340: Chinese History since 1949
- HIST395: Twentieth Century Korea
- HIST495: Senior Seminar in History
“在反叛實證主義中的文化發現: 第一次世界大戰後中國梁啟超派的文化保守主
李蕣伊 著,曾苡 譯,見 李朝津、麥勁生、區志堅主編《戰爭與和平:
第一次世界大戰和中國》(臺北:萬卷樓, 2025),即將出版 (forthcoming).
“Imagining Pluralist Society in Defiance of the State Power: Guild Socialism in China after the First World War,” Modern China Volume 49, Issue 5 (September 2023), pp. 589-620.
“People’s Efforts to Expand and Actualize Republicanism in Hundred Years’ Transformation: Review of The Three Historical Events that Made Modern Chinese History by Youngseo Baik (Seoul: Changbi Publishers, 2021)” (in Korean), Studies of Modern Chinese History No. 89 (March 2021), pp. 177-192.
“Idealist Philosophy of Socialism in China after the First World War: Poverty and the Irony of Historical Materialism in China” (in Korean), Journal of Asian Historical Studies no.153 (The Society for Asian Historical Studies, Dec. 2020), pp. 417-463.
“In Revolt against Positivism, the Discovery of Culture: The Liang Qichao group’s Cultural Conservatism in China after the First World War,” Twentieth-Century China 44, no. 3 (October, 2019), pp. 288-304.
“Socialism and the Question of Morality in Early Twentieth-Century East Asia: Kawakami Hajime and the Liang Qichao group,” Collections of Works of Visiting Scholars in Japan No. 21 (Tokyo: The Japan-Korea Cultural Foundation, March 2015), pp. 199-220.
- Majuboneun Segyesa Gyosil (Open Classroom of World History): 1750-1910 (Seoul, Korea: Woongjin Junior, 2009)