Thomas M Courtien
- Senior Instructor, Management

- School of Business
- VIC 100I
Thomas Courtien has taught at Mercy University since September 1994 both in the classroom and online.
Currently teaching Strategic Management online..
Courses taught in the past are Marketing Management, International Management, Organizational Behavior, Business Ethics, Principles of Management, and Business Communications.
Retired from a 45 year business career in Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, and Key Account Management.
Served six years in the US Navy Submarine Service; then attended college.
MBA in Management, University of Connecticut - AACSB
BBA in Management, Western Connecticut State University - AACSB
Currently teaching asynchronous online Strategic Management.
Online courses taught in the past are Marketing Management and Business Ethics.
Member of the team that designed the original course for Business Ethics.
Designed the current course shell for MGMT 460 - Strategic Management.