Wendy Mages
- Professor, Early Childhood and Childhood Education

- School of Education
- BX 2257
- wmages@mercy.edu
- (914) 674-7682 ext. 7682
- Wendy Mages: Storyteller
Social Media Links
Wendy K. Mages, a Pushcart Prize nominee and award-winning poet and author, is an educator, scholar, and storyteller who earned a doctorate in Human Development and Psychology at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a master’s in Theatre at Northwestern University. Prior to joining the faculty at Mercy, she taught graduate and undergraduate students at Boston University and at Harvard. In addition to her work with adults, she has designed and taught a preschool performing arts program, worked as a museum educator, and wrote and performed for children’s television.
Her research, which focuses on the effect of educational strategies and contexts on language, cognitive, and social development, has been published in a variety of peer-reviewed journals, including the Review of Educational Research, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, Research in Drama Education, Youth Theatre Journal, Scenario, and Library and Information Science Research. She was also honored to be awarded a Fulbright Specialist Fellowship focusing on Drama and Theatre in an Austrian Teacher Education Program.
As a complement to her research and scholarly publications, she performs original stories at storytelling events and festivals in the US and abroad, and has subsequently published many of these stories. To learn more about her poetry, stories, and storytelling, or to see videos of her performances at The Moth, please visit Wendy Mages: Storyteller.
Please click on the hyperlinked text at the end of this sentence to learn how to pronounce Wendy Mages.
EdD and EdM, Human Development and Psychology, Harvard Graduate School of Education
MA, Theatre, Northwestern University
BA, Summa Cum Laude, Theatre Arts, Brandeis University
Peer Reviewed Research Publications
Mages, W. K. (2021). Storytelling content, contexts, and controversies: A conscionable calculus. Scenario Journal, 15(2), 67-70. https://doi.org/10.33178/scenario.15.2.5
Mages, W. K. (2021). Triptych: Ethical quandaries in personal storytelling for teaching and research. Scenario Journal, 15(2), 63-66. https://doi.org/10.33178/scenario.15.2.4
Mages, W. K. (2020). Perseverance, performance, and pedagogy in the pandemic: The power of storytelling in face-to-face and virtual learning environments. R & E Source: Open Online Journal for Research and Education. Retrieved from https://journal.ph-noe.ac.at/index.php/resource/article/view/958/849
Mages, W. K. (2020). Educational drama and theatre pedagogy: An integral part of training English-as-a-foreign-language teachers. Scenario Journal, 14(1), 12-24. https://doi.org/10.33178/scenario.14.1.2
Mages, W. K. (2018). Does theatre-in-education promote early childhood development?: The effect of drama on language, perspective-taking, and imagination. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 45, 224–237. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2017.12.006
Mages, W. K., Nitecki, E., & Ohseki, A. (2018). A college-community collaboration: Fostering developmentally appropriate practices in the early childhood classroom. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 18(3), 174–188. https://doi.org/10.14434/josotl.v18i3.21761
Mages, W. K. (2017). Practice makes perfectible: The impact of training and rehearsal on intervention fidelity. Youth Theatre Journal, 31(1), 7–22. https://doi.org/10.1080/08929092.2017.1298542
Mages, W. K. (2016). Educational drama and theatre: Paradigms for understanding and engagement. R & E Source: Open Online Journal for Research and Education. Retrieved from http://journal.ph-noe.ac.at/index.php/resource/article/view/328/348
Mages, W. K. (2016). Taking inspiration from Reggio Emilia: An analysis of a professional development workshop on fostering authentic art in the early childhood classroom. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 37(2), 175–185. https://doi.org/10.1080/10901027.2016.1165763
Mages, W. K. (2015). Drama in early childhood: Promoting language development and supporting academic transitions. R & E Source: Open Online Journal for Research and Education. Retrieved from http://journal.ph-noe.ac.at/index.php/resource/issue/view/9
Mages, W. K. (2013). Building a strong ensemble of teaching artists: Characteristics, contexts, and strategies for success and sustainability. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 14(8). Retrieved from http://www.ijea.org/v14n8/
Mages, W. K. (2012). Preschool characteristics influence the success of professional development: Is your preschool ready, willing, and able? NHSA Dialog: A Research-to-Practice Journal for the Early Childhood Field 15(2), 195–200. https://doi.org/10.1080/15240754.2012.665513
Mages, W. K. (2012). Professional development in the context of a Head Start theatre-in-education program. NHSA Dialog: A Research-to-Practice Journal for the Early Childhood Field 15(2), 159–186. https://doi.org/10.1080/15240754.2012.665508
Mages, W. K. (2010). Creating a culture of collaboration: The conception, design, and evolution of a Head Start theatre-in-education program. Youth Theatre Journal 24(1), 45–61. https://doi.org/10.1080/08929091003732989
Mages, W. K., & Garson, D. S. (2010). Get the cite right: Design and evaluation of a high-quality online citation tutorial. Library & Information Science Research Journal 32(2), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lisr.2009.10.004
Mages, W. K. (2008). Does creative drama promote language development in early childhood? A review of the methods and measures employed in the empirical literature. Review of Educational Research 78(1), 124-152. https://doi.org/10.3102/0034654307313401
Mages, W. K. (2007). Motivation, classroom management, and pedagogical vision: An investigation of the psychosocial development of two actor-educators. Youth Theatre Journal 21, 94–112. https://doi.org/10.1080/08929092.2007.10012599
Mages, W. K. (2006). Drama and imagination: A cognitive theory of drama’s effect on narrative comprehension and narrative production. Research in Drama Education 11(3), 329–340. https://doi.org/10.1080/13569780600900750
Mages, W. K. (2006). How many words is a picture worth? The importance of comprehensive reporting in drama research. Youth Theatre Journal 20, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1080/08929092.2006.10012583
Mages, W. K. (2004). Urban Improv: A portrait of an educational drama organization. Youth Theatre Journal, 18, 30–44. https://doi.org/10.1080/08929092.2004.10012562
Book Chapter
Mages, W. K. (2017). Drama-based interventions and narrative. In N. Kucirkova, C. E. Snow, V. Grover, & C. McBride (Eds). The Routledge international handbook of early literacy education: A contemporary guide to literacy teaching and interventions in a global context. (pp. 296–307). New York, NY: Routledge.
Literary Publications
Mages, W. K. (2025). City girls. The Manifest Station. https://www.themanifeststation.net/2025/02/11/city-girls
Mages, W. K. (2025). The once-nubile starlet. 50-Word Stories. http://fiftywordstories.com/2025/01/03/wendy-k-mages-the-once-nubile-starlet
Mages, W. K. (2024). After the storm. WestWord. https://westword.substack.com/p/after-the-storm?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true
Mages, W. K. (2024). At the stroke of midnight on the set of Swan Lake. Bright Flash Literary Review. https://brightflash1000.com/2024/11/03/at-the-stroke-of-midnight-on-the-set-of-swan-lake
Mages, W. K. (2024) Embracing strangers. Grief Dialogues. https://griefdialoguesstories.com/2024/10/28/embracing-strangers
Mages, W. K. (2024). How to become a catastrophist in 6 easy steps. WestWord. https://westword.substack.com/p/how-to-become-a-catastrophist-in
Mages, W. K. (2024). Our morning ritual. Quibble. https://www.quibblelit.com/our-morning-ritual-by-wendy-mages
Mages, W. K. (2024). Our morning ritual. Quibble Quarterly, 2, 69. https://www.quibblelit.com/shop/p/cwarfq7u78o24m923ehaf0q8tg1wjn
Mages, W. K. (2024). Parkway promenade. Bright Flash Literary Review. https://brightflash1000.com/2024/06/05/parkway-promenade
Mages, W. K. (2024). Pitch (not) perfect: My quixotic journey in the world of music. The AutoEthnographer, 4(2). https://theautoethnographer.com/pitch-not-perfect-my-quixotic-journey-in-the-world-of-music
Mages, W. K. (2024). The question remains. Dreamers Creative Writing, 16. https://www.dreamerswriting.com/wendy-mages
Mages, W. K. (2024). So sings the washing machine. Prime Number Magazine, 251. https://www.press53.com/issue-251-pnm-flash-fiction-prize#Mages251
Mages, W. K. (2024). A triptych of acrostic email messages to an aspiring poet on the submission of a single poem entitled “Invaluable.” Witcraft. https://witcraft.org/2024/11/10/a-triptych-of-acrostic-email-messages-to-an-aspiring-poet-on-the-submission-of-a-single-poem-entitled-invaluable1
Mages, W. K. (2024). A 21st century fairy tale for city girls. In B. A. Mullin (Ed.), 42 stories anthology presents: Book of 42² (p. 23).
Mages, W. K. (2024). Wise words. Kelp Journal: The Wave. https://www.kelpjournal.com/post/essay-wise-words
Mages, W. K. (2023). Before the last snow melts. 3cents Magazine, (5). https://www.3centsmagazine.com/issues/slipping/before-the-last-snow-melts
Mages, W. K. (2023). City girls. In J. Howard & C. Mayer (Eds.), Potato Soup Journal: Best of 2022 (pp. 262-264). Potato Soup Press. https://amzn.to/3JrAlgA
Mages, W. K. (2023). A dozen potatoes. On the Premises: Mini-Contest #57 (Honorable Mention). https://onthepremises.com/minis/mini_57/
Mages, W. K. (2023). Geneses: Traces and tribulations. 50-Word Stories. http://fiftywordstories.com/2023/03/09/wendy-k-mages-geneses-traces-and-tribulations/
Mages, W. K. (2023). The guitar player. Bright Flash Literary Review. https://brightflash1000.com/2023/08/03/the-guitar-player
Mages, W. K. (2023). Hair and social standards: Is beauty truly in the eye of the beholder? The AutoEthnographer, 3(2) https://theautoethnographer.com/is-beauty-truly-in-the-eye-of-the-beholder-hair-and-societal-standards/
Mages, W. K. (2023). Heart troubles. Caustic Frolic. https://causticfrolic.org/current-nonfiction/heart-troubles
Mages, W. K. (2023). The high diving board. Paper Dragon. https://drexelpaperdragon.com/the-high-diving-board
Mages, W. K. (2023). Hornets’ treat & trick. 50-Word Stories. http://fiftywordstories.com/2023/10/03/wendy-k-mages-hornets-treat-trick
Mages, W. K. (2023). Intuit. Young Ravens Literary Review. https://www.youngravensliteraryreview.org/yr18-wendy-k-mages.html
Mages, W. K. (2023). No pedal boats. Dorothy Parker’s Ashes. https://www.dorothyparkersashes.com/father/no-pedal-boats
Mages, W. K. (2023). Morning blooms. San Antonio Review. https://doi.org/10.21428/9b43cd98.c0739f7c
My mother’s hands. In T. Campbell (Ed.) Jarnal Volume 3: Transitions, pp. 30-34. Mason Jar Press. http://masonjarpress.com/chapbooks-1/jarnal-volume-2-edited-by-tara-campbell
Mages, W. K. (2023). Nimbus hidden. San Antonio Review. https://doi.org/10.21428/9b43cd98.c0739f7c
Mages, W. K. (2023). Of love & longing. Bright Flash Literary Review. https://brightflash1000.com/2023/12/05/of-love-longing/
Mages, W. K. (2023). Pennies from heaven. Jenny. https://www.jennymag.org/spring-23-issue/pennies-from-heaven/
Mages, W. K. (2023). Portrait of a family: Swans carry on. Sea to Sky Review. https://www.seatoskyreview.ca/january-2023-life-issue/portrait-of-a-family-swans-carry-on
Mages, W. K. (2023). Pristine. San Antonio Review. https://doi.org/10.21428/9b43cd98.c0739f7c
Mages, W. K. (2023). The question remains. Dreamers Creative Writing, (16), 6. https://www.dreamerswriting.com/wendy-mages/
Mages, W. K. (2023). Redheaded angel. Magpie Zine. https://www.magpiezine.com/post/redheaded-angel
Mages, W. K. (2023). Springtime in New England. San Antonio Review. https://doi.org/10.21428/9b43cd98.c0739f7c
Mages, W. K. (2023). Sunward. San Antonio Review. https://doi.org/10.21428/9b43cd98.c0739f7c
Mages, W. K. (2023). There’s no place like home. LIGHT: Leaders Igniting Generational Healing & Transformation, 1, 74-75. https://light4ph.org/product/light-issue-1-how-might-we-recreate-public-health-as-art-letters-stories-and-poetry
Mages, W. K. (2023). The tortoise. In Collected winning poems from The Poetry Society of Virginia: Prize winning poems 2023 celebrating a century of distinguished poets (p. 89). Poetry Society of Virginia. ISBN: 978-1667897684
Mages, W. K. (2023). A unicorn in winter. 50-Word Stories. https://fiftywordstories.com/2023/12/04/wendy-k-mages-a-unicorn-in-winter
Mages, W. K. (2023). Vivian. Quibble. https://www.quibblelit.com/vivian-by-wendy-k-mages
Mages, W. K. (2022). City girls. Potato Soup Journal. http://potatosoupjournal.com/city-girls-by-wendy-k-mages/
W. K. Mages. (2022). Dirty words. Funny Pearls. https://funnypearls.com/2022/11/dirty-words-mages/
Mages, W. K. (2022) Embracing strangers. Antithesis Journal Blog. https://antithesis-journal.squarespace.com/blog/2022/9/6/embracing-strangers
Mages, W. K. (2022). Framily. Hearth & Coffin. https://www.hearthandcoffin.com/post/framily
Mages, W. K. (2022). Hatchling. Potato Soup Journal. http://potatosoupjournal.com/hatchling-by-wendy-k-mages/
Mages, W. K. (2022). Memory of treasured worlds. New Croton Review, Summer 2022, 34. https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ealuEAAAQBAJ&pg=GBS.PA33
Mages, W. K. (2022). Mirror, mirror. Quibble. https://www.quibblelit.com/mirror-mirror-by-wendy-k-mages
Mages, W. K. (2022). Pollinators. Route 7 Review. https://www.r7review.com/post/pollinators
Mages, W. K. (2022). Ridiculous rituals: Reasons, rules, and a rationale. Young Ravens Literary Review, http://www.youngravensliteraryreview.org/yr16-wendy-k-mages.html
Mages, W. K. (2022). Salad dazed. In T. Green (Ed.), Our pandemic: Personal experiences of COVID-19. (p. 11). The Writer’s Workout. https://www.writersworkout.net/our-pandemic
Mages, W. K. (2022). The spitfire. Star 82 Review. http://www.star82review.com/10.3/mages-spitfire.html
Mages, W. K. (2022). The stray. Five Minutes. https://www.fiveminutelit.com/five-minutes/the-stray
Mages, W. K. (2022). A toad of a man. Harpy Hybrid Review. http://www.harpyhybridreview.org/hybrid_works/a-toad-of-a-man
Mages, W. K. (2022). Victor the Koala. Funny Pearls. https://funnypearls.com/2022/07/koala-w-mages/
Mages, W. K. (2022). With time. Potato Soup Journal. http://potatosoupjournal.com/with-time-by-wendy-k-mages/
Mages, W. (2021). A tale of 2020. In Manfred Scewe (Ed). 81 Sprüche zur enthärtung unserer welt: On the softening of our world 81 sayings. (p. 140). Schibri-Verlag. https://www.ucc.ie/en/scenario/scenariobooks/series/
Mages, W. K. (2019). Lima beans: An epiphany. Journal of Stories in Science. Retrieved from https://storiesinscience.org/2019/06/05/lima-beans-an-epiphany/
WestWord's Micro Fiction Prize 2024
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- After the Storm was shortlisted!
WestWord's Hermit Crab Prize 2024
North American Review's 2024 Kurt Vonnegut Speculative Fiction Prize
"Song of the Gargoyles" selected as a semifinalist
2023 Prime Number Magazine Flash Fiction Contest
- "So Sings the Washing Machine" awarded 3rd place
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Dreamers Creative Writing 2023 Dreamers Flash Contest
- “The Question Remains” received Honorable Mention
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2023 Poetry Society of Virginia
- "The Tortoise" awarded 2nd place in the Handy Andy Prize for a Limerick
- "Meeting on Zoom (again)" received Honorable Mention in the Dr. Lucille E. Thompson Memorial Contest for poems celebrating technology
- 2023 Poetry Society of Virginia
Pushcart Prize Nominee
Nominated in by Quibble for a Pushcart Prize for "Mirror, Mirror," which was published in 2022
On the Premises: Mini-Contest #57
Honorable Mention
2022 LIGHT Contest "Top 5"
"There's No Place Like Home" placed in the Top 5 in its category in the 2022 LIGHT (Leaders Igniting Generational Healing and Transformation) contest for works addressing a public health issue.
2020 Mercy Faculty Innovation Award
This award recognizes the fundamental importance of faculty innovation
Fulbright Specialist Grant
Fulbright Fellowship awarded to collaborate with colleagues at Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich (University College of Teacher Education, Lower Austria)
American Educational Research Association Arts & Learning Special Interest Group
2011 Arts & Learning SIG Dissertation Award
This annual award recognizes excellence in an article based on a recently completed dissertation study.
American Alliance for Theatre and Education
2009 Distinguished Dissertation Award
This dissertation award recognizes excellence a recently completed dissertation study.