Information for Faculty

Semester Term Request
Faculty will receive an email notification each time a Term request is submitted.
Log in to Accommodate: mercy-accommodate.symplicity.com
- On the left-hand side, select Accommodation Letters
- Scroll down to view all Accommodation Letters that have been shared with you.
- Those that have not yet been signed will have Requested in a black box next to the title.
- Those that have been signed will have Signed in a black box next to the title.
- Click Requested.
- Review the student's Accommodation letter.
- After reading it, electronically sign at the bottom of the page to confirm your review
- Type your Name in the box and select Sign
Information & Resources
For faculty information on accommodating students, please refer to the Mercy Faculty Guide.
Explore helpful instructional videos on accessibility on the ACCESSibility YouTube Channel.
For detailed guidance on accommodating students, access the Accommodating Students: Faculty Guide PDF.
Contact Information & Office Hours
Office Hours
Dobbs Ferry - Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Bronx- Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m.
Manhattan-Thursday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Available at all campuses and locations by appointment. We can also facilitate appointments remotely.
For questions, appointments, or sending in documentation:
Visit us in Main Hall, Room 121 (Dobbs Ferry Campus)
Call us: (914) 674-7764
Fax documents: (914) 674-7852
Email us: accessibility@mercy.edu
Sara Venezian, Director
Christina Locario, Associate Director
Leah Woods, Accessibility Specialist
Follow Us
Check out our Instagram page for updated information and student resources at accessibility_mercyuniversity